When it comes to Protecting your IT Systems there’s a lot to consider. From assessing security risk, to complying with regulations, identifying, and protecting infrastructure & data assets, to understanding the landscape and staying current with developments. And that’s before you start to think about secure remote access, cloud adoption, supply-chain risk, as well as a myriad of processes from onboarding new starters to incident response.
We take a pragmatic approach to IT security with a heritage in managed services across infrastructure, communications and cloud. As such, we have a deep understanding across the entire threat landscape and operate security as a core discipline, from advisory services through to monitoring and protection and rapid defence.
As a Managed Services Provider we provide protection by design so by drawing on over a decade of experience our bespoke engagements help you understand your risk exposure and improve it.
At Nimbus we have built our security managed services from the ground up over a number of years and act as your security advisor, addressing gaps, consolidating and improving technology and translating compliance requirements into technology services that can help your business be more secure.
That’s why our risk and vulnerability assessments are designed to give you the best chance of understanding your exposure before cyber criminals do.
Services include:
Our systematic approach guides you step by step from identification of potential vulnerabilities to designing the solutions that best meet your needs and budget.
At Nimbus we have perfected the art of Protecting IT Systems for clients, delivering best-in-class toolsets to analyse, respond and report on your assets and data.
This combined with our experience providing these services for heavily-regulated industries, you can leverage our expertise to design, implement and maintain a robust environment to ensure fast and effective identification and remediation of the most complex internal and external threats.
Contact us to see how our security experts can help protect your systems.
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